Thursday, October 20, 2011

Many of UFO's Nightly sitings

Speak with a law enforcement authority that has been seen from 9 – 50 UFO's at night except August 2011, the night. He is currently, approximatley 200 or more. In his words, similar to the one larger brighter object suround sky. Even if we are talking about at night you must phone then all of a sudden her on the night of 30-60 minutes. I'm reporting this because his trade officials kibits him about it and feel it must conform to the terms of this and the videotape MUFON is the music, the public. The area is over Boyton Beach, which is quite dark night for a much better, if also a video of air space.
I have seen 9 different objests at different times, which is not possible to explain the origin of 3 months. A special I have seen 3 times is like opaqe diode, which is turned on, and then shuts down. After it travels makes a certain distance it again. I do not know, satellites, which are lit, and even music can be the difference between the spot satellites, so I know that. I hope that some of them making Florida their nightly sitings.

Nightly sitings of many UFOs

Nightly sitings of many UFOs

Nightly sitings of many UFOs

If the report was made on location in the map and more information click here ...

Tagged with: 60 minutes • exchanges of officers in the implementation of legislation in • officer of the law of the • • • neforcement officer night satellites • video tape

Filed under:Monitoring report on the UFO

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