Sunday, October 16, 2011

Large and bright ball light source, the first aircraft landing lights, presumably

We live just south of the path typical flight from Vancouver International Airport. This object is first thought to be an aircraft (passenger aircraft) from the East bound to its landing light with the airport. In the jet, has two landing lights are usually, but this object was the only one of the very bright light, which had an impact on the front page. As this object is moved toward the United States, I noticed that there are no green or red tail lights and poultry. At this point, I realised that there were no wings.
The object was 90 degrees to the United States I realized that the light was not a light, landing, because they would need to be away from them because the object travels in the direction. The light was in other words, the same bright light with a 90-degree angle.
The object of continuing at the same time on the road, and the same bright light conntinued glow. At this time the object is sent to us, and Move away. The object disappeared from the night sky Eventully. A number of other factors were very important for this object: the air track was considerably below the level of the South seemed to continue regular basis is lower than normal (social work) in the area, and is not an object derived from the noise.

Large and bright ball of light, at first thought to be Airplane landing lights

Large and bright ball of light, at first thought to be Airplane landing lights

Large and bright ball of light, at first thought to be Airplane landing lights

If the report was made on location in the map and more information click here ...

Tagged with: • apssenger •-angle for jet air track • night sky • passenger jet • tail light • taill ight • typical air • vancouver international airport

Filed under:Monitoring report on the UFO

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