Sunday, April 17, 2011

In Switzerland, take a look at the UFO disclosure

The Swiss watch British UFO data

This article is very interesting, because this is not a Swiss newspaper is, they only considered the financial statements of the last MB, for Great Britain, the Government, but sharma dir shiraz in Switzerland is to ask what your Government can know of the controversy.

The United Kingdom released a number of files is such that it intends to take in some of the experts and the public in the same manner as they. pour

No, if the Swiss Government says it is a large UFO-file, which reveals the Swiss people can count on. If so, it is added to the coup d ' état as the already released "the mountain countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Brazil and Russia.

Why has the u.s. Government does not fall within the scope of this in accordance with the fair trade and the Australian Government says much of it?

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