Monday, April 4, 2011


Fox News covers the Russian UFO disclosure

Surprising news in the last thread is now an official of the Russian X-files has received mainstream news to the eye. Fox News posted the story on their coverage of the issue and it is a story that will be opened that your socks off will be opened.

Party for the purposes of the Decade, there are a number of reports on sharma dir shiraz and water bodies. Author Ivan t. Sanderson adopted this research in his books. Now this story, that is located on the great information about what the Russian army and citizens experienced similar incidents, but in these cases the people lost their lives.

News media often UFO stories, photos, and unfortunately this is not a fun time, and Fox News is not the approach that we've come is waiting for the mainstream with the condescending nature of the news of the typical.

This is a positive turn, but the cooling.

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