Thursday, April 21, 2011



Here we will again with another mysterious of NASA on Astrobiology and internet press conference bruisse with theories, NASA will announce something with regard to life on Mars, the moon Titan or another body in space.

Once again, we have seen it a dozen times where NASA Announces a major conference, we all agree, and they begin to talk about how they have found a molecule on the patella error or some pattern of wavelength, only some intellectual would give two pets.

What is the message I would like some ' observation ' a few ' phenomena ' put money on it, which requires further review aka "we will discover a mystery that will have us more funding."

Now that NASA's budget has been cut and people are even dismissed the left and right NASA is now playing the card and that they know that it is public and funding then attention.

Old NASA game is over, you know that the public is more intelligent and conscious parts of the Government games including play games of entrepreneurs to get more money.

Don't hold your breath gang, it is not a NASA communication to space life has been found, full of bells and whistles video and photos. It will be one of two things, certain intellectual scientific information none could be careful or it will be the discovery which is an attempt to get more funding to NASA.

Thursday, 2 pm East is when they will come with a message. If you read the NASA official press release here you notice, he says ' research ' for documentation of space life. In addition, the press release as well as four down on the list of the page.


See? I told you guys so much!

This last NASA history which was a source of enormous hype and bs around on the Internet and news proved to be something far published that it up to be.

My first rule of UFO study is and will always be: never get enthusiastic about what either UFO/alien.

Why? Because there is never any y!

However, I would like to note that this discovery from NASA, as some life on Earth by using arsenic instead of phosphorus is of great importance, because it shows the life is much more interesting, a process which scientists were willing to accept. It validates the theories and philosophies of researchers and, in particular, speculators and writers of science fiction.

What this says is that life can form and form by means of processes than the standard model, and we should not be surprised if we find life in environments of our capabilities and will refrain from adopting. Add to that another discovery in press this week, he may very well be three times the number of stars in the universe, than previously thought, and you have a second example essentially says us again and again, we have no idea what is waste and arrogant and commentators scientists should simply close the EFFWhile we continue to investigate.

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