Saturday, February 4, 2012

Great Britain-2007

Some of the smartest UFO Photographs of 2007Great Britain-2007 Great Britain-2007

Laughing Policeman

2007-July 3,2007-Uk-The image was taken around sunset yesterday. It was a funny day. Cloudy one minute, rainy the subsequent, the clouds clearing… before returning and raining again. The elements got stuck in a loop. But around sunset this amazing effect occurred with strobes of light piercing through a thick cloud around the entire sky.

My wife noticed the stationary, very reflective (like blue chrome) object behind the dark grey cloud first, and being completely flummoxed about it, told me to seize my camera. As I raised the camera and increased the zoom, the thing suddenly started moving at a surprisingly fast speed so I just pressed the button several times. We got several pictures, however the object only appeared at the first one.

It was cylindrical, but with a strangely contoured convex base. There has been a cross of incredibly bright light around the base, but a stunning (bright because the sun) ball of sunshine on the front. (I say ‘front’ according to its trajectory.) i guess the full top of the craft was bathed during this ‘light’ since you could see its aura across the entire thing. It was gone instantly… and we were left feeling a little bit frightened for a couple of minutes.

Tagged with: bright as th esun • bright as the sun • great-britain • laughing policeman • luaghing policeman • several-times • ufo photographs • united-kingdom

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