Sunday, October 30, 2011
Last night I saw lights that HAD to be artificial flickering in a pattern and descending to the right and two smaller objects on both sides that appeared similiar in every way but size.
This is what the cigar shaped UFO coudl (e) to refer to the
Took the picture, because I really thought it was a UFO. After seeing several cigar-shaped UFOs reported by a black dot in the Middle, I think we are talking about black on this type of aircraft, as someone had told me the military exercises.
I was a freeway after this size and speed. I heard the sound, but I see the wings were of very short, and the site for the first they felt was not. This does not mean that there can be a real UFOs with this format, but really, I think that they could be described as this exacty the aircraft several times in recent months.
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Tagged with: • airplane • ariplane, a black dot • freeway • real • real UFOs • fuos-times
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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Orange Ball with blinking craft that seem to come out of it
This past Friday night around 9:30 pm very clear night no cloud cover, I was driving down this dark road to drop my husband off to his shared ride to work. On the way we seen this very bright orange light that was very out of place, hovering just above the treeline, it’s never been there before as we take this road nightly. It looked like a bright orange ball of light almost star like, then a blinking (mostly white and some red lights) craft came out of it. I was watching the road as well and lost sight for a second but my husband said it should show up when we pass the trees and sure enough there it was traveling very fast with flashing, blinking, very fast lights almost to the point of looking like a sparkler that kids have on the 4th of July {best I can describe it} the orange ball of light that it came from seem to be gone. The blinking light would blink and the whole craft would shift left and then right,forward and then back,sometimes the lights would completely go out, there was absolutely no sound.
Friday night is the first time we seen the orange light. It’s almost like the orange light was a portal or vortex that the blinking object came out of or possibly the orange light turned into the blinking craft?
We see this blinking object allot, almost every night. Later on I plan to buy a very good camera with a hella zoom lens so I can capture all the oddness that we see out here in Manchester, TN. USA!
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Tagged with: 4th of jluy • 4th of july • clou dcover • cloud-cover • friday night • manchester tn • orange ball • orange-light
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Friday, October 28, 2011
My experience with 36000 feet and the UFO Enigma solved
Ari Ben Gordon created this fascinating and informative work as part of the power supply and the healing process, which he incorporated events, wrestling, and he has tried to make price: $ 9.00 (2011-10-11 and 14: 26: 31 GMT)
Product prices and availability are accurate, informed of the date and time, and
You can change it. Price and availability list information is displayed on
at the time of purchase shall apply to the purchase of this product.
This autobiography would inspire other come to share your thoughts and experience life without fear-threatening. There are a lot of previous generations, and they left behind, the more important the information in the future, but miracles learned, opportunities in the universe.
Tagged with: 36000 • enigma • test • feet • resolve
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Three separate objects in the sky, dancing, a triangular, the other two in different parts of social policy.
obsvd 4: 40 PM-4: 55 PM MST @ Hwy79 and Deep well Road, Pinal Co, AZ, three dances (circles down, a sudden start and stop, up to a maximum of) light, w/N 0deghz, and in the light of the above as 90degver, 100deghz, 30degver dim red 1st and second 248deghz, and 70degver bright white, 3rd 35deghz/10degver-triangular (vertices of the triangle, lights, etc.).
The lights in the sky on the left the scene.
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Tagged with: • circles • ewll Road Sky • • • • but triangle vertices a very road
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Three orange glowing spheres in my backyard
As reported to ASD by phone and e-mail:
“I let the dog out of the back door of my house because he was barking at something – at first I thought he just needed to go out, but he stopped and looked up after he reached the edge of the patio. I stepped outside and looked where the dog was looking and saw three spheres floating at about 30 feet off the ground not 50 feet away from me. They were glowing a bright red-orange and looked like they were on fire. My first thought was that they were meteors, but I realized that they couldn’t be. The objects were close together – maybe 10 feet apart – and were probably each three feet in diameter. They moved slightly while floating there and kind of pulsed. I was just too shocked to move, and afraid to draw attention to myself. I did not have a camera so couldn’t get a picture. They stayed in that position for approximately 5 minutes, then moved slowly off in an Easterly direction – as if they didn’t care if anyone saw them or not. I did not see wings, or a tail or any lights. The next day I spoke to some neighbors about it and one said they saw something similar earlier that evening but that it was only one ball of light, not three. He said it was right at tree-top level and then shot off quickly to the East. I just thought that someone should know about this since there have been so many reports lately.”
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Tagged with: back door • diameter • easterly-direction • first-thought • firstt hought • negihbors • neighbors • spheres • three feet
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In a large triangle, narrorow Strip on the back of the rear-mounted, front was less than the triangle
I went to leave downtown truck Memphis, 2 PM, the base had about 4,000 ft. in clouds as we walked around I40 to ramp I noticed two very dark objects right underneath the clouds. I thought first, they were piekanat, but not seeing them move their wings. Thought then objects may be kites but does not move at all. Watched about 10 more seconds and decided to say something other truck with two people. When I got to see which side of the passage of the hire was shown in the two objects were only away. I thought that they have gone through the cloud will be, but they never got. A friend of mine, so impudent, said it was likely to be on an airplane. Thing is, that the preparation of the country will not deviate from Memphis, Tennessee, more than in the city centre. These two objects were black, and almost, almost when you see the following for the levels of the military. The front was a large project triangle process arrows bands goes behind a smaller triangle. Phone, containing a photo, but the idea had never crossed my mind to take a photo, until it was too late.
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Tagged with: • airlpane • airplane • capabilitise • military • Cloud • triangle passes through levels
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
cigar shaped aircraft shiney silver with black band in middle
I was driving to my farm in the country on a rural road. While adjusting my sun visor two shiney silver aircrafts caught my eye straight up in the sky. They were lower than an airplane, about 10k feet up. I saw one, then the other about a mile behind it in a straight line. I pulled over and got out of the car and tried to take pictures with cell phone, but did not show up on camera. I saw no wings. They were cigar shaped with a black band in the middle. The same as pictured in Roger Marsh’s 9/29/11 article.
They eventially disappeared out of sight. The day was very sunny, no clouds in sight, about 10 a.m. Two days later, I was travelling about a mile away, also on my way to the farm and saw one of the same a/craft. I grabbed my binoculars and saw the craft turn slightly upward and disappear into the sky. I know these are not airplanes; there were no wings, no sound or trail and hovered rather than flew. In the past, I have seen a blimp type craft with a fish tail hovering over the woods line near my farm. It seemed to be over the county waste area. No sound or movement, then disappeared. I saw this one about four times, but not since last spring. In all cases, I had no fear of the crafts, just a reluctance to report for fear of government contact.
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Tagged with: binoculars • last psring • last spring • otu of sight • out of sight • reluctance • straight-line-
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Hovering over my home here in Sandycove Co Dublin Ireland
10th – 10th – 11
I was standing by my bay window here at home looking out to the evening light – we live on the east coast of Ireland right on the bay here. Normally we have areplances and sea resuce operations going on all the time. But I think last night’s event was something else. the hum of the noise was loud, and the lights were a v shape I think you know what i mean. I am a person who doesn’t take this lightly are if something strange goes on around here. I was talking to my younger sister on the phone and saying it to her. Talk about being surprised!.. As to say who’d believe in these things. It happened around nine O’clock our time. There have been other events of lights appearing in the sky here over the bay, and have being record on you tube. I am sorry I didn’t get it on video or phone as I was talking at the time and quiet shocked. Hope you’ll understand this.
I am yours sincerely,
Mr Mark F Gillan
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Tagged with: dx • east coast • gillan • ireland • ksy • o clock • shape • sky • xd
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
lights in the sky flying northeast in a loose formation changing positions red in color no sound
Approximatley 2140 I oli matkalla toimimaan, kun minun oikealle tiedonanto pari punainen Hohtava valot puu-viivan yläpuolella. Ensin ne näytti antennin varoitus valot differant korkeudet, mutta he werent vilkkuva. Olen edelleen ja katsella 4 tai 5 kirkas punainen valot tuli tarkastella ja ne olivat alla löysä lentävän muodostumista, siirtäminen South east ilmatilan-asemat muuttuvat.I tuli leikkaus ja veti ja katsella ääntä kuuli edelleen. Sekuntia myöhemmin kaikki paitsi yksi katosi ja yksi punaista valoa edelleen koilliseen.
Jos raportissa tehtiin sijainti kartan tarkasteleminen ja lisätietoja napsauttamalla tätä...
Koodattu: antennin • intersectino • leikkaus • punaista valoa • puun panttioikeuden • puun rivin • varoitus-valot
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The star, such as a clear sunny day in LA Center
Lied about my only search up lounges, obtain the draft (around 27 different groups so) when transferred to the condors, and caught a glimpse of what appeared to be behind the object, the very height of the tree-tops. It was like poking a balloon drifting white party – until it is stopped, and remained motionless for about 10 minutes. The star in the sky – like peering, but this was sunny and clear with a deep blue sky in the middle of the afternoon. I had a wife and children to come and see it in time. More detailed, so I decided to get the camera; When I came back to binoculars-thru no longer appears in/from there.
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The height of the tagged with: • alttiude • binoculars • Deep Blue skies • ibnoculars • party balloon •-star in the sky
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Bright light spotted over Pleasanton
At 12:30, just before going to bed, i was peering at the night sky over Pleasanton. The moon was near full size and the sky was partially clear of clouds making a spectacular scene.
I noticed a bright light vertically above me. This light was way brighter than all other stars in the sky. At first i thought it was a plane flying over and disregarded it. I also seemed to see 3 lights in a row. But as i continued to look at this i noticed that this object was not moving, its lights were not flickering.
I immediately picked up my camera with the 250 mm zoom lens and focussed upward and began to click.
One of my first pics showed 3 blurry lines. The light looked like a line because i shook the camera- dragging the light to appear like a line. It still did not make sense that i had 3 lines in the same pattern. I have attached the picture below.
Then i went out to my patio and began clicking pictures. All the pictures i clicked looked like one bright light except one picture where you could clearly see a 3 light pattern with blue lights on the sides.
Further i also shot a long exposure picture – all the stars in the sky made much thinner trails but this object made a thick trail- indicating a much brighter source.
Im not at any point claiming this is a UFO- but id like to know what i saw.
I then proceeded to get my 10×50 mm Nikon binoculars and i could see a 5 prong pattern on this object. This object stayed at the same spot for 2 hours. At around 2:30- the clouds began to cover the object and it dimmed out.
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Tagged with: blurry lines • clear of clouds • night-sky- • nikon binocluars • nikon binoculars • spectacular scene • spectauclar scene • stars in the sky
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Light orange or gold object in the sky
In the beginning, I have been an amateur astronomer, 40 years, and I am an experienced aircraft and satellite observer. Also very familiar with the operation of space flights, historical and current.
Visited with friends, neighbours. After dinner, many of us are mainly outside the temporary heating, clearly fall in the evening, patio. 7: 45-8: 00 PM (approximately) someone noticed an unusual bright object in the sky about Hercules in the area. The Group was the only person who looks at the sky, in connection with the experience of seeing the object, and the brightness was surprised. All quickly move to another location to better view the object.
My comments are the following: found approximately 45 degrees altitude and Azimuth 280 degrees. A wide range of Orange and gold color. Approx size minus 4 brightness. Move west, and between the two. Brightness seemed to vary slightly irregularly standard took 2-6 seconds. In some cases had what appeared to be an essential part of small debris, that liberated, but I am sure if it was optical illusion – was not significant, as, where appropriate, taken into account. Spark shield is not significant to the train or plasma controls visible. The object continued what appeared to be in line with Flash cards again and then quickly Fading at a height of approximately 15 degrees to the North, almost because of Azimuth. The whole event lasted for around 2-3 minutes. ISS is the only comparable pieces of the object, but it is certainly not the ISS: the object was too light and the wrong business.
My answer is that we had found the body of the space ship or rocket very low or special grazing re-entry. Although the color is right to do this, found in the ruins of the train or the plasma trail, perplexing lack. (I) exclude the aircraft landing lights are not visible, brilliant as it moved away from the location (which was the largest observation), such as doesn't sound color is wrong, and it was not moving towards an area of the airport in the direction of landing approach in the distance. In the context of the review of the Internet, do not have the size of the spacecraft to pass lighter than 2.7 occurred during the period in question (such as IIS), and the level of dimness (2.7) should not even have been visible in the introductory note-location. The second check box to the left of the Aerospace Corporation showed, was not expected in the space of the ship's iterations for that day. Cannot be excluded, it should, however, had the special grazing meteorite terribly slow in such a case, and I think it is very unlikely.
I am stumped ...
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Tagged with: amateur astronomer • fall evening • answer • detected object • optical illusion • ilulsion • optical satellite observer • line • line equal to tsraight
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Light Orange-red with a white ball of light flickering
I-70 heading to the West, when I saw a very bright, glowing ball with a flashing white light from the bottom of the front, the batch job. At first I thought it might be a helicopter, even though I have never seen one of these red light Orange or gold-copper color before.
It came to pass in our direction and slowly descending, at the same time. As it got closer and I realized the white light has finished flashing before you try to connect it seemed rather than flame. It does not air the ball, although as in the photo had to clear the ball, not below it.
I have tried my passenger look at it, but he had the ball from the source table in the show time to cover my car to the roof.
The distance is level, but none of the people near me service.
I've never seen an excellent luminous ball before. I looked great, but since there is no real reference frame was the actual size will not be able to say.
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Tagged with: actual size • bottom face • btotom • color • flickering light in copper • flickreing • light • in front of the reference frame of the helicopter
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ESE at home, flew over the direction of the right level thoght nothig? COM directly back to the slow, started Glowing bright reddish orange yellow, mainly in red
I really like this on the World Wide Web, must be shared. I know that I have seen, and it was not a common aircraft. My father was a leader in 37 years, grew around all kinds of boats. thought that it was only the second level. but the strange thing changed everything for me. I just don't know. I was at home at the time. the smoke went out. went inside, Busted up you get to see and help someone in a stairway. It took less than about 10 seconds to reach the top of the deck in upstairs. There was nothing in the sky that felt idiot time. (i). But what I saw was real and no explanation is none. It still spooks me slightly.
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Tagged with: 37 years • all sorts • no, sky • no nine sky • enclosures • tsairs • upstairs deck • weird stuff
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
UFO surveillance reports-06-30 11
Arizona-05-14-11 -Saturday, 14th May 2011 was around 12: 30 PM it was without any clouds, the sky is bright, warm sunny days.
A friend of mine, and ran in an outdoor market. I was in the back seat to the right side of the car to a friend, a traveling West Speedway Boulevard, e., Tucson, AZ.
I believe, is close to the intersection of Craycroft was first spotted. I have seen one of silver and gold coins of the boats was cylindrical in shape, or a cigarette (a long and thin).
It flew in the same direction, as we travel (West) into the sky to the North of the us. It was quickly shown below. It was a high level, with the exception of the longer and thinner with a coiled tubing is size. This is not all, high into the sky, which made me think, it will be turned off or landing.
It was a fairly level in flying, so it will not be visible immediately took or preparation of reading. It seemed thin Orange metallic colors in front of the line and another thin Orange stripe is at the Centre.
There were no wings and we are on the average you can't hear sounds. I pointed out it to a friend of mine who was a passenger in the front seat and he also saw it. .. I do not know if the driver experienced.
We are in for a couple of blocks, so it was the view of the United States, and we forget her. None of us knew what it was, but nothing like it had ever seen.
Colorado-05-27-11- -my comrade, and experienced the cigar-shaped UFO 30-45 seconds, the city of Englewood.
We drove East bound near Simms St suddenly gets in the way, my comrade 285 noticed strange object, hold the mouse pointer over the edge of the approximately 100-150 ft above the ground.
It was a long cigar-shaped object, with a flashing white light and then blue light and white ... and so on.
It will shoot down of human structure ever been drag to the right to shoot it, then, really fast and up and down the speed, the use of dose.
After finding it in zip Simms St. to the West of the mountain against the round. It moved to 3-4 mile in approximately 3 seconds flat.
This is the weirdest thing, have never seen.
Illinois-05-31-11 -7: 45 PM, I went outside, fodder for horses. I have seen no silver cylinder with slightly rounded corners, a regular airliners of the same information while traveling nearly occurs with scrap to a relatively slow speed, even if the employee could not outrun ™ online arcade.
There was no sound, although approximately two minutes later, also after the object was lost, I heard the noise levels for normal, coming from the opposite direction, and still could not see in this plan.
Object-level North West, traveled to the height of a lower level of commercial but very-perhaps only a few thousand feet.
There was a very smooth movement and of the reflective surface of a very smooth, but there was absolutely no wings which I could see it back in the end, as it moved away from me.
At one point seemed to be a displacement of air traffic around it.
Only when such a circumstance, I think it may have been separated for a brief moment in a horizontal direction, a little bit of time, which has not seemed red band sections in between.
The sky is blue and cloudless.
I've noticed it disappeared until the atmosphere of the time, perhaps for several miles, the distance traveled.
It seemed only fade away, but it could have been from there.
Monitoring report lasted for approximately 1 minute and was one of the most fascinating. I had no time to go back on the camera.
Washington-06-04-11 -about 15 minutes my parents experienced the selection mode, motionless cigar/hot dog-shaped object with a long, thin, string-like "tail" behind it.
It was totally opposed to the setting of white; The Sun for more than half of the Olympic mountain range. This was seen in binoculars from Thurston County, Puget Sound and crystal clear in the evening.
It can also be seen with the naked eye.
Olympic mountain is about 45 miles to Puget Sound, near Olympia, Lacey, WA House/with my parents in the Northwestern direction.
A summer evening than we had tonight, is the Olympics in full view. We have lived in this House since 1970, and my parents have more than the Olympics, I looked at a number of years.
None of them have never seen anything like this before.
We have seen that our share of future aircraft and goes to Sea-Tac Intl. Airport (approx. 50 km to the North) or the joint Base Lewis-McChord (ca. 20 km ne) ... we have seen, and comets.
We have seen pancake clouds; a cloud of all shapes and, in particular, as Awards in sun goes to the countless variations of light with an odd number. This was an entirely different phenomenon.
Most interesting aspect of them was the nature of space, the motionless just hanging in there in the sky ... The Olympic Games, defying gravity. The move not for about 15 minutes after the first sighting. They did it "," fade away slowly, and then "poof," it was absent.
This was really the "UFO" or more accurately, hold the mouse pointer over the edge, "a" of the object.
I have a son, Eric, as writing this account on their behalf, because they do not use computers or write quickly. I personally have not testified about this event. My parents never before claimed UFO witnesses and my father are usually all true Legend of skeptic.
She was the evening does not go along, he saw an explanation or.
They left their Ihoreaktiota "quietly confused" ... because of the lack of a better description. They don't panic or yell, or "welcome and awe."
It seems will not bother them, they were able to identify, but they seemed to seafood dishes in a quiet, peaceful as they really saw something that could not be rational.
Both are excellent in both Visio and described object to me in exactly the same conditions. I hope that this will add anything to the dialogue or other factors in the area of control reports.
My parents trøde, it would have been visible to many people, since such a sunset ... and quite Western in Washington, where the population has access, if they care to find ... from the Olympic Games, Lakewood, Tacoma, Seattle and Everett, OLYMPIC GAMES, etc.).
Friday, October 21, 2011
Although as stated above, NASA released its latest data relating to the registration of the gas methane on Mars. According to NASA, there are only ...
2 very large circles in the sky, on the basis of not moving nj
I was driving my car, I saw the above right, 2 very large round yellow/whitelights. I looked like car headlights, but high in the trees more than of air space but less then all activity levels, I noticed. 1plane was the great grey boring lookn military plan has not been written. I had at least to make a left turn, which is now behind me 2lights n hard to see. as soon as the player to my friend at the station wrkn gas to, if I have, however, seen the lights. When I saw the light, they were otherwise in heaven. I asked my friend if he was from watching it, he said, he saw a higher then normal lights in place, start the move then stops immediately. He simply said he could not see anymore. After this, had a lot of people made of light, or the operation of lift trucks, combustion-engine driven sport.
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Tagged with: • acr • car headlights in daytime my car • gas • gas station sattion • plane • the trees run
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Many of UFO's Nightly sitings
Speak with a law enforcement authority that has been seen from 9 – 50 UFO's at night except August 2011, the night. He is currently, approximatley 200 or more. In his words, similar to the one larger brighter object suround sky. Even if we are talking about at night you must phone then all of a sudden her on the night of 30-60 minutes. I'm reporting this because his trade officials kibits him about it and feel it must conform to the terms of this and the videotape MUFON is the music, the public. The area is over Boyton Beach, which is quite dark night for a much better, if also a video of air space.
I have seen 9 different objests at different times, which is not possible to explain the origin of 3 months. A special I have seen 3 times is like opaqe diode, which is turned on, and then shuts down. After it travels makes a certain distance it again. I do not know, satellites, which are lit, and even music can be the difference between the spot satellites, so I know that. I hope that some of them making Florida their nightly sitings.
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Tagged with: 60 minutes • exchanges of officers in the implementation of legislation in • officer of the law of the • • • neforcement officer night satellites • video tape
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Yawn! Another fake Roswell zeta reticuli make leaked video of a stranger.
Here is another video that rounds on the Internet will be displayed in the status of an alien Zeta Reticuli confirmation of the solar system has posted. Black and white video shows the height of the object. Topics in the head and body data is displayed.
I call it "one of the fake for a number of factors. Some of the so egregious is that I do not, they are spending time. Just ask yourself questions when viewing the video, why create a movie projector sound?
You can do amazing things in contemporary computers for special effects to images, and as long as you these videos, it seems that churned one week, you'll need clothing that the vessel and the fake UFO videos and pics for streaming Alien.
Today we are going to the pictures and videos. We need physical evidence for absolute validity. It is theory, UFOlogy in the life of one inch of territory, and go beyond what is necessary for the speculated. It is more than time to do a real test for the status of the project. Never, never get information of no Government on Earth on this topic, so don't hold your breath. We are the only thing is a good old fashioned of old scientific research done in the laboratory.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Unknown object over London video
It took a week to get it, but I managed to finally get to these critters, and get the camera on a clear day even Close-up.
It seems to attract quite a crowd now, when they appear. Someone explain what on Earth these lights should contact in?
The video is completely unique, at least for me, and I am at a loss to explain it, it is reasonable. Explore UFOs over London, England, you might have the answer. Be sure to check two more videos of the same event on the right side of the page.
Read more:
Unknown object over London video
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
News: Mars Exploration Rovers update: ability to track back to books, breeds Provençale in life is to use the
30 ., June 2011 > click to enlarge
Mars Exploration Rovers
Credit: NASA/JPL-With/Maas Digital
Ability to save "Meridiani plains in June. It participated in the much anticipated next item each per and Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission in Russia as part of a month in 90, which originally was to have been the 90-day demo
"We are you running as fast as it should, endeavour crater, which is the story, we can," said Steve Squyres, principal investigator of science at Cornell University under firm rover in an interview earlier in the day. And what the story is.
Now for the last 2 km (1.24 miles) on foot, with a huge 22-kilometer (14 mile) diameter crater crater, the year of long distance calls, robot Geologist in the field is the tournament and in the light of the Group — and people around the world – in various ancient Martian environment, and the parents of Meridiani Planum, the first song on the expedition.
Originally posted here:
major morphing ball of gold. None of the lights.
We had to go to the corner of 76th and Sheridan saved 5: 50 pm, 10, 10, 11 and immediately noticed a large ball in the sky aprox 100-150 metres in the air, of aprox 20-30 meters wide. In the beginning it looked like a large dull gray marble. Both, we said, what God's Green Earth? It was almost one and the beginning of the path to Latin America. The move it to the oval, change a circle completely flat and boxy-shaped like a disk. Because it moved and modified was the dull gray in what appeared to be a gold plating. In particular, the pattern seemed to morph and a flash of gold, as the spinning or other page, it was a gold plated second page of the boring gray. We thought maybe it was a weather balloon, but how and why it may be the structure of the phone covers, in particular, and how it can go to the boxy shape? It is a mylar balloon? Someone who was 20-30 metres wide and never seen. The moving directly from Sheridan boulevard as the Fix was seen. We watched it in its path, go to become smaller and smaller, sometimes we will be forgotten, until it again in a flash of gold. We have seen it until we are able to see it longer.
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Filed under:Monitoring report on the UFO
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Kentucky airport witnessed a UFO
The report is filed with the clerk, UPS, who worked on the loading ramp 4: 50 PM, when he saw leaving the passenger plane is not far from his location.
He was soon säikähdys see suddenly dark, with an unidentified object in one single light behind it, this was something he had never seen before. How close is this parallel was a UFO.
Why UFOs are interested in our airports?
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Kentucky airport witnessed a UFO
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Large and bright ball light source, the first aircraft landing lights, presumably
We live just south of the path typical flight from Vancouver International Airport. This object is first thought to be an aircraft (passenger aircraft) from the East bound to its landing light with the airport. In the jet, has two landing lights are usually, but this object was the only one of the very bright light, which had an impact on the front page. As this object is moved toward the United States, I noticed that there are no green or red tail lights and poultry. At this point, I realised that there were no wings.
The object was 90 degrees to the United States I realized that the light was not a light, landing, because they would need to be away from them because the object travels in the direction. The light was in other words, the same bright light with a 90-degree angle.
The object of continuing at the same time on the road, and the same bright light conntinued glow. At this time the object is sent to us, and Move away. The object disappeared from the night sky Eventully. A number of other factors were very important for this object: the air track was considerably below the level of the South seemed to continue regular basis is lower than normal (social work) in the area, and is not an object derived from the noise.
If the report was made on location in the map and more information click here ...
Tagged with: • apssenger •-angle for jet air track • night sky • passenger jet • tail light • taill ight • typical air • vancouver international airport
Filed under:Monitoring report on the UFO
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